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A small drop of water turned out to have enormous power!



4 secrets of “MIZUGOTO®”

The sound of MIZUGOTO® is so gentle when you listen to it. However, it also has an unthinkably enormous power.


MIZUGOTO® (water-sound objects) make their sound with just a small drop of water.  Even though this seems simple, the sound of a water drop is full of high frequencies, making the sound of MIZUGOTO® no less than the sound of a musical instrument being played in a big concert hall.  It fills our bodies and the space around us with positive energy.  But how is this possible?  There are four secrets to MIZUGOTO® being able to make such a sonic miracle possible.

倍音 無限連鎖でとてつもない高周波が生まれる



Incredibly high frequencies are generated by a chain reaction within the water’s sound.

MIZUGOTO®’s water drops are rich in harmonic overtones. By integrating multiples of the original sound frequency, harmonic overtones are produced, becoming an essential factor in creating such a beautiful sound.

In order to understand harmonic overtones more clearly, let’s look at the mechanism of a sound wave itself.

For example, a double harmonic overtone is made by pressing the center of a string with one’s finger, then plucking the string. As a result, the frequency of vibration is doubled, due to the wavelength being divided in half. If the original sound is “do”, the resulting sound will be a note of “do”, yet one octave higher.

A triple harmonic overtone, the sound of the overtone will be “sol”.  For a quadruple harmonic overtone, the sound will be a “do” note, but two octaves higher.  For an overtone of the fifth harmonic, the sound of the overtone harmonic will be “mi”. And this will continue accordingly as the harmonic overtones go higher and higher.

The harmonic overtones of integral multiples will naturally form a chord of “do”, “mi” and “sol”. This chord has an amazingly full and beautiful sound.  This is due to the fact that the chord is produced from only one sound.

Harmonic overtones are found in both the sounds found in nature, as well as in sounds made by musical instruments. In fact, even low-pitched instruments like drums contain a lot of high frequencies.

People with nice singing or speaking voices, are also rich with harmonic overtones.  This makes listening to such voices sound very sweet to listeners’ ears due to the timbre or sound color.

One famous music producer used to select a singer at an audition depending on whether the singer was able to generate a voice full of overtones rather than their singing ability.  This was because the resulting sound color attracts many people to this kind of sound. This is the key that makes people want to listen to this kind of voice more.

The sound of MIZUGOTO® is full of harmonic overtones, and it has been specially designed to gain a rich sound through the use of a double resonator.

Within harmonic sounds, the overtones actually generate more overtones, and chain reaction begins to occur over and over again. As a result, the sound contains not only high frequencies, but also inaudible ultrasonic frequencies as well. If these sounds are measured by a decibel meter, they are too subtle and beyond the limit of the indicator.

The range of an audio CD only contains 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. However, if you listen to a CD of MIZUGOTO®, you will realize that sometimes there is high pitch sound that sounds like pong. This is the point where the chain reaction or cascade of overtones is happening.  Among the various sounds of MIZUGOTO®, these high-pitched sounds especially contain high sonic energy, and have a strong activating potential for the human body and brain.

The sound of a water drop from MIZUGOTO® exceeds 100 decibels when measured by a decibel meter.  A volume of 100 decibels is almost the same as the volume of the winner of a shouting contest, or the sound of a loud train passing through a tunnel. However, the sound of MIZUGOTO® does not seem so loud to listeners in spite of having such a high decibel reading and deep resonant tone.

This is because a decibel meter measures sound by also including inaudible ultrasonic frequencies. Therefore, the measured volume of MIZUGOTO®’s sound is impressively loud, while still being pleasant to listeners.  In fact, this effect actually enables your brain and body to be energized.  Even if the sound of a CD does not contain ultrasonic frequencies, it includes many high frequencies at the point just before becoming ultrasonic.  So, many people can enjoy the beautiful sound of MIZUGOTO®, being produced from a chain reaction of harmonic overtones.

ゆらぎ 心身を癒す連続の中の自然な不規則さ



Fluctuation is a natural irregularity in the process of healing the mind and body.

The sound of MIZUGOTO® has another major benefit.  It has a comfortable balance of a phenomenon called “fluctuation”.  This is because MIZUGOTO® is fully based on the natural sound of water drops.  This “fluctuation” is a very important aide in helping the brain to relax, as well as healing the mind and body.

Fluctuation can be explained as randomness in the flow of continuity.  For example, raindrops on a rainy day fall and make sounds at certain intervals, but due to this natural randomness in timing, the sound is not spaced exactly.

We would become easily tired if raindrops made sound in perfectly timed intervals, like a machine.  It seems like sounds in the same interval, however, somehow different in speed, that is, it is getting to become faster or slower.  Therefore, we feel relaxed and healing will happen thanks to the fluctuation. In the sound of nature, fluctuation is always present.

This is also like how being around people focused on making everything perfect is tiresome, but being with people more flexible is fun and relaxing.

Fluctuation can also exist in single sounds, aside from the rhythm of falling rain drips as mentioned above.  For example, if you listen carefully to a single “Pong” sound from MIZUGOTO®, you will realize that there is a complex “Puwowowooon” sound within which sonic fluctuation is occurring.

It is now known that when you listen to sounds that contains a high rate of fluctuation, alpha (α) waves will increase in the brain. Alpha(α) waves are produced in the brain when one feels relaxed. Actually, we feel very relaxed and are healed when we listen to sounds that are dense with fluctuation.  Therefore, thanks the presence of fluctuation, MIZUGOTO®’s sound has many advantages, and is effective in healing the body and mind.

水の振動音 羊水の中で聴いた音の記憶がよみがえる



The memory of the sound you heard while still in the womb will be reborn.

When you think of the utility and effectiveness of MIZUGOTO®, there is another very important factor.  Please consider the material used to make the sound itself, that is, “water”.  As human beings, we all were at one time in our lives immersed in the water within our mother’s womb.  At that time, a baby in the womb listens to sound vibrations through water.  The sound of MIZUGOTO® has the same kind of resonance of vibration as in the mother’s womb, because it’s sound comes out from a space of 100% humidity.

If you listen to one of our CDs of MIZUGOTO®, you will feel very relaxed and at home, deep within your heart.  This is because you are listening to the same type of sound vibrations as when you were in your mother’s womb.

Water is also highly fluent.  Therefore, it is easy for water to resonate with its surroundings, and it is highly affected by any surrounding frequencies as well.  As a matter of fact, the aforementioned factor is very important, when it comes to “information transmission”.

Mr. Masaru Emoto, who has been studying about crystal structures of water and taking photos of them, mentioned that very beautiful crystal structures of water will be created when pleasing musical sounds are applied, or words of gratitude such as “Arigato” are projected at the water.  In fact, water is material to memorize sound information.

It was easy for me to understand this, as I had the same kind of experience in the process of searching for the ultimate sound when designing MIZUGOTO®.  Also, depending on the character of running water in MIZUGOTO®, the basic tonal qualities of the sound can vary greatly.  For example, when using fountain spring water from Mt. Fuji, results in an extremely beautiful and clear sound.  We may presume that this is because the fountain water of Mt. Fuji contains a lot of high frequencies born from the natural environment of Mt. Fuji.

On average, about 60% of human body weight is comprised of water.  Depending on one’s age, the water percentage in the body is slightly different. A baby is about 80%, adults are 60 to 70%, while in older people the level will decrease to about 50%.  Either way, more than half of our body consists of water. It should be clear that it is much better to input to the body’s water system the good information of high frequency. As a result of this, your own frequency will also increase higher and higher.

水の振動音 不要な執着を手放すと脳が活性化する



(Treasure every encounter, for it will never happen in the same way again )

If you release unnecessary attachment, your brain will be activated.

I mentioned previously that MIZUGOTO® sound installations, release only drops of water.  Therefore, MIZUGOTO® is an “instrument without scale” (I dare not make MIZUGOTO® as an instrument with a scale, even though it is possible to do so by using modern technology).   The characteristic feature of nature is that nothing is exactly the same.  Even though some flowers and leaves may seem to look the same, if you look deeply into their detail, all the flowers and leaves are different.  This means that everything in nature is only one.

In a similar way, it is not possible for MIZUGOTO® to create the same sound twice.  We have to treasure the sound of every drop of water when it occurs, for the exact same sound will never repeat again.  This is because each condition involved, such as amount of water drop, how it drops, the timing, humidity and temperature, how it echoes, etc. change from moment to moment, and the same condition never happens again.

Accordingly, I named the sound of MIZUGOTO® as “sound of Ichigo-Ichie (Treasure every encounter, for it will never happen in the same way again)”.  “Ichigo-Ichie” is Zen dialogue. There are various interpretations of Zen dialogues, depending on the person. I presume that most people will construe “Ichigo-Ichie” as such that “it is only once to have an opportunity to meet each other, therefore become seriously involved at the first meeting”.

Since MIZUGOTO® never generates the same sound again, the sound of MIZUGOTO® is a truly continuous sound of “Ichigo-Ichie”.  In fact, this is very meaningful to the brain.

It makes no sense to become attached to the sound of “Ichigo-Ichie”, because after it happens, it will simply go away.  Even you are missing the departed sound as it was wonderful, it is meaningless to cling to the sound, since it is impossible to reproduce the same sound twice.

Whether or not you become attached to only one sound, MIZUGOTO® generates consecutively new born another only one sound moment to moment.  In order to enjoy MIZUGOTO®, you have to detach yourself from attachment.

In this way, if your brain learns well that “there is no way to attach something”, the ability to release your past attachment will increase.  It is the ability to live here and now, and say goodbye to the past and say hello to the future.

When it comes to “forget”, we tend to have bad image such as “failing memory” or “things left behind”.  However, it is very important for human being to forget.  A person who has a tendency to keep remembering bad memories, is missing opportunity to become happy and prefers to stay in suffering.

If a person can release parts of a decidedly unfortunate past, and can release their attachment to the past, unlimited options for a positive future will open.

When dealing with MIZUGOTO®, we can say that it is your positive attitude to looking forward to listening to next new sound right after enjoying only one sound generated from MIZUGOTO®.  You will be naturally trained to have a positive approach to the future, if you keep listening to the sound of MIZUGOTO®.  This is because a new circuit will be created in the brain to release attachment to the outcome and head for the future.

Interestingly, in the next step, the feeling of “everything is different” and “the same thing will never happen” attracts the energy of synchronicity, that is, an increase of noticing meaningful coincidences that seem accidental but are really not.

In the base of concept that “everything is individual”, there is a fact that “everything in the universe is one”.  It sounds like a Zen riddle.  Maybe it is difficult to understand, but the truth of universe is that each hand and leg can move individually, because those hand and leg are part of one body.

Please keep listening to the sound of MIZUGOTO®, and when you can realize from the bottom of your heart that “everything is individual” and “everything is different”, then wonderful synchronicity will start to occur in your life.

Please do not miss any of these small synchronicities and you will be surprised as more and more luck and fortune will begin to enter into your life.

With the sound of MIZUGOTO®, please continue to enjoy incredible luck and synchronicity in your daily life.

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